Xprog V5.55 programator memorii si MCU cu toate adaptoarele

Xprog V5.55 ECU Programmer:

1. Versiune software: V5.55;

2. Aceasta versiune de Xprog poate decripta BMW CAS4;

3. A fost adaugata o noua autorizare in aceasta versiune: AUTH-0025 Authorized 11/4/2014;

4. Programatorul este de calitate clasa A+++;

5. Software ruleaza pe Windows 7 (faceti excludere daca aveti instalat antivirus);nu functioneaza pe sisteme de operare pe 64bits.

6. Dezinstalati versiunile anterioare de Xprog;Instalati RegSett ,apoi versiunea de Adobe Acrobat .Se copie folderul cu software preinstalat si se scoate shortcut de pe executabil pe desktop.Driverele se instaleaza manual atat pentru Xprog cat si pentru portul pe care se instaleaza.

Autorizari Xprog V5.55:AUTH-0001 Motorola HC05 family authorization (allows to read/write EEPROM)AUTH-0002 Motorola HC08 family authorization (allows to read/write EEPROM)AUTH-0003 Motorola HC11 family authorization (allows to read/write EEPROM)AUTH-0004 Motorola HC12, 9S12 family authorization (allows to read/write EEPROM and flash memory)AUTH-0005 Texas Instruments TMS370/TMS374 family authorization (allows to read/write EEPROM)AUTH-0006 Motorola HC05Bxx and HC05Xxx family bypass security authorization (allows to read/write secured EEPROM and flash memory)AUTH-0007 ST M35080 authorization. Read/Write/Erase device to delivery state.AUTH-0008 BMW EWS3 authorizationAUTH-0009 ATMEGA family authorization (allows to read/write EEPROM and flash memory)AUTH-0010 MB ZGS001 authorizationAUTH-0011 Motorola HC11EA9/E9 bypass security authorization (allows to bypass security bit and read EEPROM and RAM memory)AUTH-0012 National CR16 authorization (allows to read/write EEPROM memory)AUTH-0014 ST7, ST10 family authorization (allows to read/write internal flash)AUTH-0015 MPC5xx authorization (depending on device program automatically detects MPC5xx, M95xxx device type, flash, external flash and configuration memory size)AUTH-0018 Motorola HC12, HC912, MC9S12, MC9S12X bypass security authorization (allows to read/write secured EEPROM and flash memory)AUTH-0020 ARM (Micronas, ...) Family authorization (allows to read/write internal flash and external serial EEPROM)AUTH-0021 ARM (Micronas, ...) Family bypass security authorization (allows to read/write secured and non-secured internal flash and external serial EEPROM, view/change mileage,chassis number (VIN), serial number and PIN code).AUTH-0023-1 MAC7xxxAUTH-0023-2 XC23xxAUTH-0024-1 MC9S12CxxAUTH-0024-2 MC9S12XEAUTH-0024-3 9S12XE SECURITYAUTH-0024-4 MC9S12HA/HY/PAUTH-0025-1 MPC/SPC5xxx Authorized 11/4/2014
Adaptoare XPROG-M V5.55:ADP-0001 TMS370 PLCC28 programming adapterADP-0002 TMS370 PLCC44 programming adapterADP-0003 TMS370 PLCC68 programming adapterADP-0004 Motorola HC05B/X PLCC52 programming adapterADP-0005 Motorola HC05B/X QFP64 programming adapterADP-0006 ST M35080 in-circuit programming adapterADP-0008 TMS374 family in-circuit programming adapterADP-0009 MC68HC05V12 programming adapterADP-0010 TMS374 on-board programming adapterADP-0011 HC11EA9/E9 programming adapterADP-0017 HC(S)12 BDM / ARM Micronas in-circuit programming/bypass security adapter
Inventarul pachetului:

 1buc x Xprog V5.55 hardware (carcasa metal);

19buc x adaptoare pentru programare;

 1buc x Cablu USB; 

1buc x CD cu Xprog V5.55 software 

Aici este link de download pentr softul utilizat pentru extragerea epromului din D-flash pentru resetarea FRM 


379,00 RON